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Unrestricted by a specific medium, TZUSOO dynamically selects the most fitting mode of expression over time. The artist explores diverse genres, encompassing video works, installations, sculptures, and paintings, as she delves into the fundamental aspects of our existence with a keen and humorous perspective.

TZUSOO has participated in numerous group exhibitions at international institutions, including Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (2021); Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul (2021); Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (2022); HITE Collection, Seoul (2022); and Hessel Museum of Art, New York (2023). The artist has held her solo exhibitions at various spaces, including City Gallery of Sindelfingen (2020); Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova (2021); Soma Art Space 700, Berlin (2022); and (Together)(Together), Seoul (2022). TZUSOO currently lives and works in Berlin.

특정한 매체에 국한되기보다, 표현하고자 하는 바를 가장 잘 구현하는 것에 주안을 두는 추수는 영상이나 설치, 조각, 회화 등 다양한 장르를 오가며 그만의 작품 세계를 구축해 나가고 있다. 추수는 특유의 예리하고 영민한 시선과 재치로 존재의 본질을 탐구한다.

추수는 서울 홍익대학교 미술대학에서 학사 학위를 취득했으며, 독일 슈투트가르트 국립조형예술대학교에서 석사 과정을 마쳤다. 작가는 슈투트가르트 쿤스트 뮤지엄(2021); 문화역 서울 284(2021); 경기도미술관(2022); 서울 하이트 컬렉션(2022); 뉴욕 헤셀 미술관(2023) 등 국내외 유수의 기관에서 개최된 단체전에 참여했으며, 진델핑엔 시립미술관(2020); 크라이오바 일렉트로 푸터레 갤러리(2021); 베를린 소마 아트스페이스 700(2022); 서울 (투게더)(투게더)(2022) 등 다양한 공간에서 개인전을 개최한 바 있다. 현재 베를린을 기반으로 활동 중이다.

Diplom, Fine Art,  State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart, Germany

B.F.A in Art Studies, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

B.F.A in Printmaking, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

Solo exhibition
Alma Redemptoris Mater: Our Material Our Redeemer, sangheeut, Seoul,  Korea

The Most Faithful Blasphemy, (Together)(Together), curated by Sunjung Kim Samuso, Seoul, Korea
Honey, Beta World Is Over Soon, Soma Art Space 700, Berlin, Germany
I Feel Uncanny When You Touch Me There, Wunderkammer, Stuttgart, Germany

Aimy's Melancholy, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania
Myung-ri(명리命理:MZ 산수 인물도), Collaboration with ii_eun, Angelism, Seoul, Korea

Schrödinger’s Baby, Schaufenster Junge Kunst, City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Uncool Mentality, NIDRAJ, Brüssels, Belgium
Ultra-Hygienic Exhibition, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany

Prude Boys of Stuttgart, The Broken Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany

Group exhibitions
2023 ARKO Art Center & Digital Art Festival Taipei Screening Program, Digital Art Center (DAC), Taipei, Taiwan
Recent Posts,
Stuttgart, Germany
TINC(This is not a church), Seoul, Korea
Humanism Reimagined: Embracing change,
WWNN, Seoul, Korea
Right to Mother,
Hessel Museum of Art, New York, USA
KI-Camp Kunst Ausstellung, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Berlin, Germany

The Last Things Before The Last, HITE Collection, Seoul, Korea
Arbeitsgericht Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
PLURITOPIA, initiative between the National Arts Council Singapore (NAC) and the Arts Council Korea (ARKO), Metaverse
Assemble New Vibes,
Gallery Damdam, Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Berlin, Germany
Summer Show,
Kang Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
The Most Brilliant Moments for You,
Gyeonggi Modern Art Museum, Korea
This Time Is Different, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, Germany
The Floating Employee,
Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany
Baeryeom's House, Seoul, Korea
Mix[image] Verse, Space So, Seoul, Korea

Protest Bereitschaft - Zeitgenössischer Aktivismus zwischen Haltung und Stil, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany
The Garden of Memes, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
Studio Posporus, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany Speculative Futures, White Noise, Stuttgart, Germany
The Conch Shell, Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival (TQAF), 2021, Greece
Supermarket Not So Supermarket - Performance, Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Supermarket Not So Supermarket - Exhibition, Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V., Stuttgart, Germany
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1, Villa Schöningen, Potzdam, Germany
Re-Altering Reality, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania

Eintritt Frei, Berlin Gallery Weekend, Studio Jankowski, Berlin, Germany Incoming, Blech Raum für Kunst Halle e.V., Halle, Germany
Art Inclusive, Jaz int the city, Stuttgart, Germany

Utopias in Urban Societies – Identity and History, Sindelfingen Biennale 2019, City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Memory of Korean Division, Project On #6, Gallery Damdam, Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Berlin, Germany
A Room of One's Own, with a video work in the concert of Ensemble Rot, E-Werk SAAL, Freiburg, Germany
Strike Gently Away __, Linzer G. 72, Salzburg, Ostria
Kunst Im Hinterhof, West Fest, Stuttgart, Germany
Summer Session 2019, V2_lab, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Strike Gently Away __ 2, Wagenhalle, Stuttgart, Germany

Where Plato Taught, Academiae - 4th Youth Art Biennale 2018, Fortezza Franzensfeste, Bolzano, Italy
Cellular Ground, Long Night of Museums, Bunker under the Diakonissenplatz, Stuttgart, Germany
Three Monkeys : See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil (非禮勿視, 非禮勿聽, 非禮勿言), Bongsan Cultural Centre, Daegu, Korea
Something To Believe In, Diskurs Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Alpha Centauri, Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
Junction, Bar Babette, Berlin, Germany
The Gold Fish, Cafe Sang-Jin, Seoul, Korea
About:Blank, Project Space LAF, Pforzheim, Germany

The Great Infinity Fool, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
Klein Münster, Bergstaffel, Stuttgart, Germany
Creation Island, Bergstaffel, Stuttgart, Germany

Awards & Scholarships
Art Project Funding by SFAC(Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture), Seoul, South Korea

Graduate Scholarship(Landesgraduiertenförderung), ABK(Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart), Germany

Funding support for international exchange of young artists, ARKO(Arts Council Korea), South Korea
Exhibtion Support by Berlin Senatsverwaltung, Germany

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Scholarship

Best Music Video, Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film(ITFS), Germany
34. Buggles Award Nominated, Germany

Exhibition Support by Helmut Fisher Foundation
Akademiepreis für die beste Gruppenausstellung im Zuge des Rundgangs 2020 der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

DAAD Prize 2019

Scholarship by Korea Student AID Foundation

(together)(together), Seoul, Korea
City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
30, Sinheung-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04339
(04339) 서울 용산구 신흥로 30

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